Monday, 6 May 2013

MicroSkills Launches a New Dedicated Career Site with Zylog

Zylog and MicroSkills have embarked on a new and exciting partnership that benefits all Job Seekers and Employers.

MicroSkills’ constant support of its community has led to the creation of a dedicated cloud-based MicroSkills Career Site that assists employers and job seekers with professional recruiting and personal career advancement. This new cutting-edge Career Site is the result of a new strategic partnership between Zylog and MicroSkills.

MicroSkills’ attention to the evolving job industry is clearly reflected in this new advanced tool that, with absolute regard for privacy and numerous added benefits for job seekers, connects employers and job seekers, with enticing advantages for both.

Thanks to Zylog’s vast umbrella of added values, MicroSkills will strengthen its ability to assist job seekers find employment by providing job seekers with access to numerous benefits, such as:

¡  Access to niche Job Boards
¡  Set up Alert feature to be directly alerted of Matching jobs
¡  Flexible privacy features for confidential job application
¡  Save jobs for future reference, and more


Employers can post jobs, find target talent and take full advantage of features such as:

¡  Competitive and Affordable Pricing
¡  Create and Manage Private and Confidential Account to manage Job Posting, Contacts, and more
¡  Automated Job Posting Process in Real time
¡  Job Seekers reach out to Employers directly
¡  Flexible Privacy features available for confidential Job Posting

MicroSkills has created programs that are “designed to assist the unemployed, with priority to women, racial minorities, youth and immigrants achieve career and personal goals. Clients can choose as many services as required to help them on their way to becoming self-reliant and economically self-sufficient.”1

About Community MicroSkills Development Centre

“MicroSkills is a non-profit organization that has served communities in Toronto and surrounding areas since 1984, providing settlement, employment, and self-employment services to individuals, with priority to the needs of immigrants, youth, visible minority people, and low-income women.”2 “Recognizing barriers that immigrants, racial minority, youth and women face in their efforts towards self-sufficiency, MicroSkills aims to enable them to participate more fully in Canadian society and assist them in acquiring the skills needed to achieve self-determination and economic, social and political equality”3.

About Zylog

Providing professional services and solutions with local delivery teams, Zylog proudly represents top talent in IT, Engineering, Health Care, Government, and Retail positions. As an application designer and developer, Zylog has introduced an Enterprise Social Media CRM to empower consultants, contractors, and employers with powerful HRIS supported by highly skilled recruiting and customer care representatives. by Zylog provides contractors with unparalleled services, benefits, training and personal development previously reserved for employees of Fortune 500 organizations. Zylog recruiters take a personal interest in independent consultants and the community.

For more information, visit,, and

1: Source:
2: Source:
3: Source:

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